A Washtenaw Camp Placement campership is one or two weeks of expense-paid summer resident camp for a child who would not otherwise be able to attend. In addition to tuition we also provide other supportive services as listed below.
- Tuition to Camp
- Transportation to and from camp
- Necessary camping gear including sleeping bags, sheets, bath and beach towels, toiletries, flashlights, bug spray, etc.
- An orientation session with representatives of participating camps
- Assistance navigating the application process to one of our six YMCA partner camps
WCP is the only camping program that accepts referrals from teachers and counselors in all Washtenaw county school districts, as well as from social workers in human service agencies throughout the county. We serve children who are entering Grade 5 the summer following their camp experience through age 16. Typically 35% of the applicants are from Ann Arbor and 50% are from the Ypsilanti area. The remaining applicants are from Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, Milan, Saline and Whitmore Lake.
Your child’s campership is made possible by the generosity of individuals, businesses, community organizations, foundations, and our partner camps. WCP asks that your family contribute what you are able toward the camp fee, although no child will be denied a campership for inability to pay. Any amount is helpful, as the number of camperships awarded is determined by available funds.